Sunday 13 September 2009


One of the things I miss about Paramount was hearing about the films they were producing and the various rumours. My older brother who is head of European distribution would often roll off the films that Paramount had secured and then I would roll of the ones they had got and were complete flops, I liked to tell people I worked for Paraflop.
Once of my favourite pass times apart from dressing up in leather is reading up on new movie news. I am a big film buff and watch at a conservative estimate about 5 films a week. These are mostly new films. Recently I have seen District 9 and Inglorious Basterds. Both are 5 star films and must be seen.
I used to read allot, but now they have changed their layout and its not the same. The last thing I want to do when I visit a website is to search for what I want.
There is two films that I am really looking forward to seeing in the future. One is directed by my favourite director and the other stars my favourite actor of the moment.

1 Neil Jordan has made a film called Ondine. As it was independently produced it will be doing the festivals and I'm sure he will be hoping to pick up a distributor.
Jordan has not had a really big hit since The Crying Game. Although I enjoyed Breakfast on Pluto 2005 and The Brave One in 2007. The story is a rather whimsical one not unlike The Company Of Wolves, where Colin Farrell plays an Irish Fisherman who discovers a mermaid as you do, its the season after all.

2 Ed Norton who is my very favourite actor is starring in a new film and has him playing identical twins,Susan Sarandon playing his mother and Richard Dreyfuss portrays a drug lord named Pug Rothbaum. It's called Leaves of Grass. It sounds quite indie and I would expect it to be picked up by Fox or maybe one of the other smaller distributors. The thing I like about Norton is that he constantly challenges himself and like my other acting favourite John Cusack can go from indie to big budget roles with ease. He truly believes in his art and very rarely flirts with publicity or pulls paparazzi baiting stunts. His talent speaks for itself and quite rightly his name when it is attached to a film almost always guarantee's a good show.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are back to blogging on this not shite blog. Movie blog was good, I learned something from it. I will look out for the 2 indy movies you mentioned. Have a good day.
