Wednesday 19 August 2009

The morning after the night before

So this is my second entry to my Blog. I'm quite surprised that I actually remembered I started one or my password.
My Bro is visiting from London. He is on a health kick and so expects the rest of us also to be on a health kick. Two reasons this wont happen. 1, We don't earn London wages and so can't afford to eat high protein, low fat and expensively priced garbage. 2, We are quite happy surviving on a diet of hula hoops and coke.
Anyway the fridge is full of Steak. Now I'm a man and I make no apologies for that. If meat didn't already come pre-packed, I would gladly go out and hunt my own meat. I have been told by the local Magistrate that licking cows is not an acceptable way for an adult to conduct himself. Its part and parcel of being a man. My point is there is now too much steak in the fridge. It will go off.
We had a little bit of a stand off earlier in the week as I refused to wash his dish's. You see his entire day revolves around eating. Mine does not. He uses 10 times more dishes that me. I used 2 mugs and 2 plates in 2 days. So like two well hung Lions we cagily circled each other for a day until I gave up and did them all. And like two well hung Lions I waited for him to finish eating his latest kill and then fed off the pickings.
Its now nearly 5 o clock and he has already eaten 5 times. I have had one packet of crisps and a cup of tea. I'm of average weight. He is clinically obese. And like most people who are in denial of there obesity, he continues to wear cycling shorts and muscle t-shirts. I wear pyjama bottoms and t-shirt. (The official uniform of the newly unemployed)

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