Tuesday 25 August 2009

Saturdays Sexual Shenanigans SSS

I picked out my luckiest threads including my Velcro shirt. Velcro to allow easy access to the goods inside for the lady who is lucky enough to ensnare me.
We ended up in a local watering hole which is usually well bloked up. However we met up with some friends from a place we used to live. So a combination of alcohol and sparkling conversation followed.
It became obvious that the threads were working when I was asked for a light by a older woman. I said I didn't smoke and she said I shouldn't be sitting in the beer garden then. I told her she was old and she was wearing a technicolor dream coat. She threatened me with violence via the cigarette. I went inside.
There a young lady walked up to me and asked "Are you that Willmarch off of the twitter?". I said yes but please keep it down. She was captivated by my recollections of past tweets and she was hanging off my every word. I told her I could turn water into wine. She didn't believe me until I turned her Wkd into Rose, she asked me to turn it back again.
She was hanging off my every word. It was like we were the only people there and as I gazed into her deep blue eyes I wondered "I wonder what her baps look like?".
Later we ended up at hers. No sooner had our feet crossed the door she announced she was going upstairs to slip into something more confortable. I thought Oi Oi here we go. I peeled off my outer clothing so that I was naked. Naked apart from my all in one leather vest and speedo combo inspired by the SS fasion of the 1940's.
I took a look about her kitchen hoping to learn more about the young lady. And to my absolute HORROR I came across A TUB OF WHIPPED CREAM! I immediately legged it out of three and flagged down a passing car.
Thank God my alarm bells went off early. Who knows what kind of deprived sexual games she had in mind for me. As a good Catholic boy I do everything in Missionary.

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